U.S. Crash Boats Emblem
U.S. Crash Boats


Donations to help defray the cost of maintaining this website are greatfully appreciated. Please note that these contributions are not deductible for tax purposes but help insure that this webiste will continue as a repository for crash boat information.  I receive no funding from any entity other than from visitors to this website and recently from the AAF/USAF Crash Rescue Boat Assn.  All funds received go solely to maintain the website and to cover any costs incurred to acquire additional materials.
Please note: I am a website and not a museum. 
There is no physical location to visit or exhibits to view. 
There is a small crash boat exhibit at the USAF Museum at
Wright-Patterson AFB, outside of Dayton, IO
Before submitting photos, stories, etc, please read the Collection Policy in the submenu of this button to the left.

Contacting USCB

Mailing Address
U.S. Crash Boats
C. H. Ruth
2603 La Lique Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
(561) 818-3065
General Inquiry: uscrashboats@gmail.com
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